Welcome to 'Like A Marble'.

Like a Marble is a collection. It is a collection of everything and anything beautiful, from great works of Art to childhood treasures (like a marble), and hopefully everything in-between.

Monday, 10 January 2011

F Scott

This series of F. Scott Fitzgerald books published by Penguin are among my favorite recent additions to my collection. They have the great look of 1920's Deco updated for the 21st century, very nice.

The Crosby Garrett Helmet

I'm fortunate that my work allows me opportunity to handle and study some amazing works of Art. Last year we brought to the market The Crosby Garrert Helmet; a bronze Roman parade helmet. The story of it's discovery by a young metal detectorist excited all of the papers and it is an almost unique piece, with to my knowledge only two similar pieces in international collections. However what struck me the most was how delicate and boyish the masks face was, with it's tight curls and fine lines, it completely went against my imagined ideas of Roman masculinity.

A New Decade

2011, a new decade, and the fourth that I've been a part of (really? 80's, 90's, 00's, 10's...yep four)! So I have decided to at least start this one with positive intentions; et volia this Blog, dedicated to everything that I find beautiful or intriguing in any way. I can't promise that my natural instinct to judge and criticise wont slip out from time to time but I will try to supress it as much as is healthy!
See you soon, Happy New Year.

G x